A Lesson for the First Day of Second Semester

Well today is the first day my students go back to school and I do not. Sad face. And yes, I mean it.

Students, believe it or not, I will miss you. I loved your crazy stories, your smiling faces, and how much you enjoyed our motivational chats. You inspired me to believe in the future. It makes me sad to know I won’t be there to show the latest Soul Pancake video or share a random act of kindness. How will you ever get your daily dose of inspiration?

Well no worries my friend! I’ll just share here, what I would be sharing there. And as you enter into your second semester, I think this is the perfect video to start us out:

Failure. We all fear it. We all try to avoid it. And we certainly don’t want to tell anybody we failed at “x”. But why in the world are we so afraid of it? Think of all the things you learn from failure! How many times do you think Thomas Edison failed at making the lightbulb before it actually worked?

For me personally, I’ve failed at a lot of things. Heck, I dropped out of a marathon once and at the time, I thought I was the biggest failure ever. But… because of that one experience, I learned so much about running, started my own running blog, made a lot of new friends, and I am now a much better runner than I ever was before.

My takeaway: don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid of never trying and failing by default.

Much love to you all and I hope you had a great first day! Remember…. be nice to your teachers and make a new friend or two. The world is full of interesting people.


Ms. T. Rod